Maximize Your Chance of Finding Love in Mexico

Marina Serrano
5 min readMay 28, 2021


A scenario that’s not very likely — you going to Mexico on a one-week solo vacation and then finding love while you’re there. The chances of finding love in Mexico in that time frame aren’t zero, but you have to be realistic.

Of course, there are a few things that you can do to improve those chances, if finding love in Mexico is something that you want.

There are a lot of things that are unlikely to happen but still do. People get struck by lightning. People win lotteries. Life is random and because of that, anything can happen.

Someone has to come out on top when it comes to these random chances that life doles out, so who’s to say that you’re not the one who gets to win? Why shouldn’t you be the one who gets the one in a million chance to find love while in a foreign country?

There’s nothing written in stone that says you don’t get to be the guy. But there’s nothing written in stone that says you get to be either. But maybe you can gently encourage the odds to tip in your favor.

Be Optimistic

When a person buys a lottery ticket, they do so because they’re under the impression that they can win. While they can, they have a better chance of being struck by lightning and they know that. But they buy the ticket anyway, because they believe in that slight sliver of a chance that their numbers come up.

They’re optimistic despite the unlikelihood of that thing they’re optimistic about. Well, your chances of finding true love in Mexico are a lot better than winning the lottery, so maybe adopt some of that optimism for yourself.

Once you open yourself up to the possibility of something happening, the chances of you seeing the opportunity to make it happen increase by a lot.

Be Confident

Gender norms in Mexico, and Latin America as a whole, will shape what Mexican women find attractive. They won’t completely dictate each individual woman’s taste, but you’d be hard-pressed to find too many women whose romantic tastes aren’t shaped by what their culture deems attractive.

One of those traits that is attractive in Mexico is traditional masculinity and one of the biggest hallmarks of traditional masculinity is confidence. Mexican women aren’t likely to flock to a man who can’t even look them in the eye.

So look up and look straight ahead. Even if you don’t feel confident, try and fake it for your own sake.

Stand Up Straight

Science shows that women are attracted to men who are taller than them. The rule of thumb seems to be that the guy should be taller than the woman when she’s wearing four-inch heels. But not every guy can be tall. But standing up straight can give off the illusion of height.

Failing that, you can also insert lifts into your shoes to make you look taller than you actually are so long as you’re not barefoot.

Learn Some Spanish

If you don’t already speak Spanish, then you need to pick some up before you get to Mexico. Knowing some Spanish will make it easier to converse with the local women, which will make striking up a romance with one of them a lot easier.

Even knowing a few basic phrases can seriously improve your chances of scoring a date with one of the local girls. Take a few classes or some online lessons and put some Spanish in your linguistic repertoire.

Smell Good

The sense that is most closely linked to memory is smell. Basically, a scent can remind you of something more strongly than a sight can. So you’re going to want your scent to be memorable, if only because you want someone to remember you.

Now, if you can’t cologne with you because of travel-related safety measures, then you can always buy some cologne in a duty free shop at the airport, they generally have a pretty respectable selection of colognes from high-end fashion houses.

Be A Gentleman

Another facet of the traditional masculinity prevalent in Mexico is being a gentleman. You’re not supposed to be pushy or too forward. But you are supposed to be modest and protective when it comes to your lady.

Another thing you should do as a gentleman is to be polite and accommodating if you meet her family. You may not be used to meeting a girl’s family so early into the relationship, but you need to be prepared for all kinds of scenarios when you’re dating someone of a different culture.

Don’t Be Too Stiff

Mexican women know how to have a good time and they’re going to want a man who knows how to have a good time as well or at least seems like he does. If you’re stiff and uncomfortable, it’s going to come across to the women who you might be interested in and those vibes that you give off aren’t going to encourage them to be romantically interested in you.

Try to relax a little bit, because you being relaxed encourages people around you to relax as well.

Remember to have fun. A lot of guys who try to find love in a foreign country end up shooting themselves in the foot by being too nervous. Remember, you’re in a country where people don’t know you. If you mess up with one girl, you can go ahead and try again without your friends giving you grief for your lack of game.

Go For It

By far, the most important thing that you can do to maximize your chance at finding a partner in Mexico is to actually go ahead and go to Mexico. Too many guys end up with paralysis by analysis where they analyze everything over and over and over again and never get anything done as a result.

Love is one of those things that’s really hard to find even under the best of circumstances and a foreign country with a different language and culture does not constitute the best of circumstances. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It just means that a hard task is going to be that much harder, but still worth it.

