How to Show a Latin Woman That You’re Interested in Her

Marina Serrano
5 min readOct 3, 2021


Because there are also some women who can be just as dense as men when it comes to taking the hint.

This could also be because Latin women have their own way of showing and receiving affection. Every culture has its own body gestures and language, but sometimes we don’t even realize it until someone points it out for us.

The Latina that you’re trying to court might not understand that you want her more than just a friend.

It’s time to take it up a notch.

Universal gestures of affection

1. Time to get flirty — Latina women, at least most of them, like to get flirty as well. Why not match her to get the point across? You can do it by teasing her, complimenting her here and there, and even lightly touching her hand. Just make sure you don’t come across as a creep though.

Be a gentleman but be smooth.

2. Give her your attention — Ignore everyone else and focus on her when she’s talking. If you really want her to know that you’re interested in her, keep your eyes on her. Smile and nod when prompted, as her questions about herself and so on. Leave your phone in your pocket too. It’s rude to take that out while talking to someone you’re romantically interested in.

3. Be a little touchy — Of course, don’t initiate anything if she obviously isn’t showing interest. But if she is and you want to show her that you are as well, start by gently putting your hand on hers. If she pulls away then stop. But if she doesn’t, you can continue.

You can also wrap your arm around her shoulders. This can be both friendly and intimate. If she leans into you then she likes it. If she doesn’t but also doesn’t bother pulling away or removing your arm, she sees you as a close friend, something akin to a brother.

4. Talk about family- Lay yourself down on the market as husband material. Latin people are huge on family. And if you value family, then she will take a shine to you. Dating a Latina is serious because if she likes you enough, she will end up introducing you to her family. And if her family likes you, it basically guarantees your relationship.

At best, she will see that you are interested in having a family of your own and see you as the perfect husband material.

5. Be direct — A lot of women from Latin countries prefer the direct approach. If she isn’t getting the hint that you’re into her (or if you’re unsure and want to be direct anyway) tell her. They hate beating around the bush and don’t have time for frivolous games from men who aren’t committed to a relationship. So make sure you tell her what you’re up to when you’re chatting with her.

That will really get the message across. The worst outcome, she rejects you and you go your separate ways, the end. Best outcome? She likes you back and will go on a date with you.

Latin’s way of showing affection

It’s time to get specific. Here are some ways you can tell the pretty Latina you like her.

1. You speak their language — Not only is it flattering to hear a foreigner speak your language, it’s also romantic. Tell her that you like her in Spanish. Maybe go for “Te Adoro,” which means I Adore You.

It is, nonetheless, a lovely way to say “I love you” in Spanish. In relationships, you usually use te adoro, which is stronger than te quiero. You could even use it with really close friends, but it’s a little embarrassing depending on the situation.

You can also say “Te Amo.” This phrase means “I love you,” but it’s the strongest “I love you.” It’s the “I love you” that takes a couple of months to say in a relationship. Alternatively, the type of love you have for your wife or husband. Overall, it’s that one unique person to whom you exclusively say “I love you.” You might, however, use it to refer to close relatives such as your children, mother, father, or brother.

2. Dos Besos — This means “two kisses on the cheeks”. This one is typically used between a man and a woman. It can also be with a woman and another woman or one with her kids. It can also happen between two men but from the same family.

This isn’t really actual kissing. It’s two people gently brushing their cheeks to each other in a faux kiss. It’s a greeting between two close people who don’t mind being affectionate with each other. You can surprise her by giving her a beso when you meet her again. Or when you two are saying goodbye. It shows you know enough about her culture and will impress her.

How do you know she even likes you back?

Luckily, Latinas aren’t much different from American women. Some of them blush and smile a lot while others are bolder and would even outright tell you. But the things they have in common when starting to develop an interest are:

  • She laughs at your jokes a lot — A lot of Latinas can’t resist humor. Women also tend to smile and laugh a lot when talking to a loved one so watch out for this.
  • She asks questions about you — Much like how you ask questions about her. This means she’s developed an interest in your personal life and wants to get to know you better.
  • She starts talking about introducing you to her family — Since they are very big on family, the moment she thinks about introducing you to hers, it’s an honor. Remember, when you do meet her family, do your best to give them a solid first impression.

Seal the deal

If you’ve succeeded in wooing her, congratulations. But it’s not over yet!

There’s still the second and third dates to think about (and the 4th, 5th, and so on) until it ends with you two arranging your wedding.

Relationships take time too. Time and hard work. Don’t slack off just because you managed to make her fall for you!

