How To Flatter Yourself Honestly

Marina Serrano
5 min readJun 21, 2021


Online dating is hard. One of the biggest mistakes that someone can make when they’re dating online is to be dishonest. A person isn’t going to appreciate it when they’re being catfished or when they feel like they’ve been taken for a ride and someone has a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.

Some Mexican women may not mind it if their men are a little bit dishonest with them. But many more of them aren’t going to like being taken for fools. So honesty is generally the best policy, but only to a point.

You should tell the truth and be honest, but you should be a little smart about it. When you tell the truth, do so in a way that’s flattering. You don’t want to make yourself look like a schlub, but you also don’t want to outright lie to a person who could potentially be your partner.

Creative Truth Telling

There are a lot of ways that you can present your truth in a way that presents you in a fairly flattering light.

  • For recent breakups

If you’ve been divorced in the past, you can say that. But a lot of Mexican women are Catholic and divorce isn’t exactly big in the Catholic church. So maybe don’t say that you’re divorced. You can say that you’ve been previously married without elaborating on why the marriage had to end.

If you match with someone and she presses the issue, you can say that you parted ways. You’re basically saying that you’re divorced without actually uttering the word that might mark you as damaged goods to some Mexican women. Sure, it’s strongly implied, but it’s not outright stated.

  • For your height

There’s a certain subset of Mexican women that want men to be masculine and strong. Part of the masculine image is being tall. Most American men are around five-foot-nine. That’s not short, but that’s not exactly tall either. It’s medium.

Instead of saying your actual height, you can say you’re around a certain number. Instead of giving an actual figure, you can put down a ballpark figure. You’re not actually lying, you’re just presenting the truth creatively.

  • For your build

Another part of that masculine self-image that many, but not all, Mexicans appreciate is when it comes to a person’s build. You may not have bulging biceps or gleaming pecs, but you don’t have to say that. You can wear clothes that cover you up in pictures and you can say that you have an athletic build — just don’t mention what sport you have an athletic build for. Again, not a lie. Just the truth presented in a flattering way.

  • Your Employment Status

If you’re not retired, then you probably have a job. If you’re neither retired nor gainfully employed, then that’s not something you’re going to want to reveal on your bio. What you can say instead is that you’re working for yourself — which you technically are, just not in a professional, salaried sense. You could also say that you’re in between jobs, but most people are going to be able to infer unemployment from that.

If you don’t want to say that, you could say that you’re in the process of changing careers, which is basically like saying you’re looking for a new job. It sounds better than saying you’re unemployed, something which is going to make some Mexican women think that you’re a lazy bum or something.

  • The Nature Of Your Work

Of course, if you are retired or you have a job, you can just go ahead and say that. But you could say it in an exciting sort of way.

Say you work as a bank teller. That’s a perfectly respectable, if boring, job. You could technically say that you handle numerous transactions for a large financial institution, which is the truth in a technical sense.

You’re going to want to present yourself in a more exciting light when you’re dating online, because that’s going to make it a lot easier for you to get a broader set of matches than if you go with the plain truth. Go with the truth, just a better version of it.

  • Your Romantic History Or Lack Thereof

Some people have a romantic history that is checkered to say the least. Perhaps they were somewhat cavalier in their younger days. Or perhaps they went in the opposite direction and have no romantic history of which to speak.

If your past leans more to the former, you can say that you’ve been looking for the one but you just haven’t found her yet. If it leans more towards the latter, then you can say that you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to meet someone because you don’t want to waste your time or anyone else’s on something that’s not going to work out.

Both methods will make you look like a pragmatist and a romantic at the exact same time.

  • Your Interests

Some Mexican women are going to want to know what their potential man is interested in outside of romance because they’re going to want to partake in those interests as well. But some interests are seen as more masculine than others, like how hunting and fishing are seen as things that men are supposed to do and how collecting action figures or trading cards is seen as something that’s a tad childish.

If your interests are more the former than the latter, then you’re good to go. If it’s the latter, then you can say that you’re putting together an unusual investment portfolio since toys and trading cards can end up becoming collector’s items that sell for thousands of dollars.

Truth is important in relationships. The best relationships are built on a foundation of honesty and it’s an important element of trust and intimacy. Without it, a relationship isn’t likely to last no matter how much two people love each other.

So you need to avoid lying. Telling the truth creatively isn’t about misleading a person. It’s about gently nudging their train of thought in a direction that’s more flattering to you.

