How Mexican Girls Indicate They’re Interested in You

Marina Serrano
5 min readMay 3, 2021


Surely by now, us humans have been around long enough to be able to recognize and identify patterns in the behavioral responses that the opposite sex displays when they’re interested in a potential mate.

Millions of years of evolution has given rise to the art of flirting and dating, and it’s only natural that we’ve evolved the keen ability to pick up on the subtle social quirks and body language cues that communicate interest, sexual desire, and compatibility.

After all, this is the game that our ancestors played — the game of life; the primordial function that influences complex organisms to pass on their genes to the next generation. Our forefathers, their predecessors, and the ones who came before them have all danced this evolutionary tango for as long as life has existed.

It’s the reason why we’re here today, playing the very same game, passing on the genetic torch to the next line of human beings as we participate in this cosmic cycle of birth, sex, and death.

This much may be true about evolution, but the diversity of the human race has complicated this mating mechanic to a significant extent. The complex social histories of different races have added a myriad of unique variations and twists on the behaviors of region-specific people in the pursuit of dating — and Mexican women in particular are no exception to this natural social diversity.

Basically, it’s the same game, but with different rules depending on who’s playing and where.

So, to cut right to the chase (and thanks for listening to our Ted Talk on the philosophical origins of life by the way), this blog seeks to talk about Mexican girls and the key indicators that determine whether they’re into you or not — which is probably what brought you here in the first place.

Surely you must be a man of culture as well. Mexican women? That’s a fine choice of woman, my friend. The fact that you’re here reading this tells us that you have good taste, as do we.

Maybe you bumped into a cute Latina at a bar, didn’t know how to approach her, and felt like you wasted your opportunity. Or maybe you have a Mexican coworker at the office who smiles at you when she passes by, but you just can’t seem to determine whether she likes you or not.

Fear not, mi amigo.

We’ve compiled a specific list of behavioral quirks and body language cues that Latinas tend to show when they’ve got the hots for someone. These nuances may not always apply to all Mexican women, but some of these observations are unique to their culture, and have been known for quite some time.

Then again, some of these quirks can be seen in all women, and race isn’t always the determining factor that decides whether or not these are applicable. They’re merely general observations made by the multitude of successful men who’ve had the pleasure of wooing and intimately knowing a Mexican woman — and by following these steps, you can too.

When a Latina is interested in you…

She maintains eye contact with you.

Assuming that you’re already having regular conversations with her, look out for subtle details in eye contact. It’s normal for someone to maintain eye contact with another person when they’re conversing, but a genuine sign of attraction is that extended, deeper eye contact with a touch of curiosity and desire to it — the kind you see when someone is genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Sometimes it’s hard to catch, but when you see those slight few extra seconds of visual contact with that pretty Latina girl, and you notice her lingering gaze when you’re talking with her or when she passes by, she’s probably really into you (or at least finds you attractive or interesting).

Eventually, you’ll begin to notice this every time you lock eyes with her, especially as your spark continues to ignite.

Latinas have a nice way with words. When she starts to develop a crush on you, you’ll notice how she begins to ask appropriate questions about your hobbies and personal life.

You’ll be able to feel it when you have her curiosity and attention. She’ll eventually start being more and more curious about you, and in turn, she’ll be more open with you. Reciprocate that accordingly.

She’ll begin to open up about her life as well

The more comfortable she gets around you, the more she’ll start talking about her interests and things she likes — which is an excellent sign, since most Latinas don’t keep conversations going too long (especially with someone who they aren’t that interested in).

If she knows you well enough to begin sharing things about her hobbies and personal life, don’t waste that opportunity. The more interest you take in her personal life, the more she’ll take in yours, and this will eventually breed a closer bond between you two.

She’ll start playing with her hair

This is a universal gesture that transcends race and culture; but in Hispanic culture, it can translate to nervousness or anxiety. However, it could be a good type of nervousness — it could mean that she’s flustered by your presence or the gestures you’ve shown her, and she could have a crush on you.

We all get nervous around our crush, so it’s only natural that it manifests in some sort of physical, bodily reaction. Just make sure that it’s due to her liking you, and not because you’re being a creep or overstepping her boundaries.

If you’ve played your cards right up until this point, it’s highly likely that the reason for her doing this gesture could be the former — so keep an eye out for it, and use that cue to make your next move.

To conclude, we’d like to wish the best of luck to all the gentlemen out there who are actively trying to get with that pretty Latina girl who everyone has a crush on.

We hope that these insights aid you in yielding positive, successful results in that particular endeavor. After all, we’re just doing our part, for the greater good of humanity. Happy dating, amigos.

