How Conservative Latin Women Act When They Like You

Marina Serrano
5 min readNov 9, 2021


Perhaps one of the reasons many American and European men are so enamored with ethnically Hispanic women is how they are portrayed in the media.

Certainly, through their own merits, they have extraordinary appeal. But add to that the hypersexualized image of the Latina, as evidenced by the Salma Hayeks, Shakiras, and Sophia Vergaras of the world, it only makes sense that many men romanticize having a passionate relationship with a Latina woman.

You can certainly find the type; simply take a tour through hotspots in a country like Mexico. But once you do, you will realize something — human beings have much more diversity than any Hollywood casting can hope to produce.

What if, during your trip, you fall head over heels for some woman who, while immaculately beautiful, is quite the conservative type?

It should dawn on you that Latin American countries are dominantly religious and traditional. For every bombshell of a woman, for each liberally flirtatious dame, is an equally conservative lady. Perhaps the ratio isn’t even balanced at all.

Nevertheless, we can’t choose who we fall in love with.

So you decide to pursue this woman, and while you sense the chemistry, you don’t find her particularly “easy.” How then, can you tell if a reward awaits your efforts? Let us explore the mind of a conservative Latina woman then.

Here are a few telling signs that she indeed likes you, even if these signs are not obvious to you at all:

She brings you to church.

That she is most probably a Catholic or a Christian should be no surprise to you. But for many, that distinction is simply a label. For her, however, it may be more than just a label, it could be her life.

But say, for the argument, that this poses no issues for you. All we want, after all, is to know whether she is into you.

If she insists on bringing you to church for a Sunday mass or even a niece’s baptism, take it as a serious sign that she likes you. Conservative women do not take these things lightly. They don’t want to waste anyone’s time, yours especially. So if they do not think your presence at these events is important, then you’d never be invited in the first place. Unless you give off the impression that you’re a potential seminarian who just needs a bit of encouragement. But I doubt that kind of confusion will ever happen.

She spends time with you.

A girl who spends a bit of her time with you likes you. Shocker.

Unfortunately, some men don’t seem to get the message and end up paralyzed. It’s how women are put in the friend zone as well. They spend their precious time with a guy who isn’t that interested in them, and they get nothing in return.

So IF she says yes to your invitations to hang out, she’s given you some positive thought.

She wants you to be better.

A lot of guys complain about their girlfriends or wives trying to change them. So think about it — if she wants to polish you up, that means she cares about you. You can deal with the “she’s trying to change you” part later. What matters is that you have a confirmed signal of attraction.

Latina women are quite picky about their men. You may be the furthest thing from Rico Suave, but they can settle for a compromise. They want your manners to be on point. They want you to be a decisive man. They may be a bit particular about hygiene. So if you find her nitpicking at the slightest lift of your finger, have a bit of patience and see the glass as half full.

She keeps a planner/diary.

You may be confused as to why this matters. Conservative women have a tendency to keep journals. I have no studies to back this up, and I’m fairly sure that owning a diary isn’t a cornered market.

But if she likes you, your name is in it. At this point, the fact that she is mentioning you in her diary should be a matter of faith. And in no way should you even consider prying that thing open.

But if you do know for a fact that she keeps a journal and that she does seem to like you, the fact that she may have conscientiously mentioned you in it should be good news for you.

She talks about long-term goals.

Anybody can talk about long term goals. Polar bears can have long-term goals, with all that hibernation and preparing for the winter stuff.

But pay attention to what she talks about. Does she wax poetic about having a family or raising children? Does she talk about her parents fondly? And do you realize that if she talks about any of this stuff to you, that she is willingly volunteering information you don’t need to know?

A lot of the time, a woman will talk about the things that matter to her in order to see if they matter to you as well. She is, in her own subtle ways, testing you to see if you are indeed someone she can share a future with. Latina women love family. Oftentimes they see themselves as mothers, cradling their babies in the company of their husbands.

The deeper the conversation, the more she is opening up to you. Seize the moment.

Intimacy shouldn’t be meaningless.

When it comes to intimacy, Latinas have a reputation that, shall we say, favors them. But a truly conservative woman does not throw herself at the first man she meets. Rather, she takes her time. She is judicious in her actions. She does not give away everything all at once.

While this may make some men anxious and turn off a few others, understand that her femininity is precious to her. The slightest form of intimacy is meaningful for her, therefore it should be meaningful to you. This may surprise you, but that really works out in the long run.

Romance is chaotic. It is never linear. Sometimes you can never predict a person, much less a relationship. You may end up with a free-spirited partner. You may also end up with someone very reserved. But understand, whichever Latin partner you end up with, she will always possess that X-factor that makes her such a catch.

Be open-minded, go with the flow, and learn to read her language. Do all this, and you may just end up a very happy man.

