Dating Mexican Women — History and Quirks

Marina Serrano
5 min readJun 29, 2021


Do you want to date Mexican women? Of course you do, that’s why you’re reading this.

How much do you know about Mexican women? Could be a whole lot, to absolutely nada.

But you can never really know enough.

Understanding Mexico’s History

If you want to understand a Mexican woman and what makes her unique, you’re going to have to look at where she comes from. Mexico is a country with a unique history, diverse geography, and a very special and very complicated relationship with the United States.

First up, Mexico and the United States have a fairly long land border, almost 2000 miles. Not quite the 5500 miles the United States shares with its northern neighbor Canada, but still pretty significant nonetheless.

The history between the two countries also bears some examination. A lot of American states, like California, Arizona, and Texas, all used to be part of Mexico until the Mexican-American war.

Because of that particular conflict, there’s a very large contingent of Americans of Mexican descent, particularly in the southwest where the former Mexican territories-turned-American states are located.

This rather testy history between the two countries can color a Mexican woman’s perception of an American man and the country as a whole. On the one hand, they may carry a bit of a chip on their shoulder. On the other hand, some of them may have a more positive outlook on the country and its people.

Catholicism in Mexico

There’s also Mexico’s former colonizer, Spain. Because Spain was a country that was determined to spread as much Catholicism as possible, it made all of its colonies Catholic. As such, Catholic values and morals hold a lot of sway in Mexican culture, whether it’s the homegrown variety or from the Mexican diaspora.

Now, the women in Mexico can vary from being so Catholic that the only man they have eyes for is Jesus to not being religious at all. Where they fall on that spectrum is going to affect the way they behave when they’re in relationships.

If you’re dating a girl who’s a little more gung-ho about the Bible, you may not have an easy time even getting her to hold hands with you. If she’s a little likely to dip her hands in holy water, then you may find that things progress on a whole different timeline.

That Catholic tradition also makes for very close-knit families. This means that if you are dating a Mexican woman, there’s a chance that she’s going to introduce you to her family relatively early.

Your past relationships may have saved the introduction of families until much later in the relationship, but that’s not how it’s done down in Mexico.

If your little fling becomes a full-fledged, long-term relationship, then you should expect her family to be around. A lot. So you should probably do everything you can to get along with them.

Another tradition rooted in their Catholicism is how they treat statues of Saint Anthony of Padua, who is credited with a lot of miracles. Some Mexican women will place statues upside down on their altars until such time that a miracle happens and they find true love. In essence, they’re extorting a saint.

Unique Quirks for Dating

You’ll also have to consider their emotions. Mexican culture emphasizes being open and honest. Essentially, they’ll wear their hearts on their sleeves. If they’re upset, then they’ll let you know and they’re not going to be subtle about it.

The thing is that they might also expect the same of you, at least to some extent. If you’re a little more on the reserved side from an emotional standpoint, then it may benefit you to loosen up.

Sometimes, their open and passionate nature can be fun and exciting. But some people can find it a bit overwhelming.

There’s also the way she eats. Food is an important facet of Mexican culture. Some American women take dainty bites because they think it’s more lady-like. That may not be the cause when you find yourself down in Mexico.

There are also a lot of Mexican women for whom the concept of dressing casually does not exist. Of course there are many women in Mexico that feel their best when they’re dressed in a soft T-shirt and jeans or shorts, but there are also many who think that dressing to the nines to go to the corner store is a normal thing.

There’s a stereotype that women take forever to get ready for a date. With certain women in Mexico, not only is this stereotype true — it’s exaggerated. But, when they are ready, they’re going to look so good that you’ll forget to be annoyed at how long they took.

Speaking of time, there’s a stereotype about Latin people and their time management, about how the actual time of their arrival won’t be the time that they set, but will be up to 2 hours later than that.

So if you’re dating a Mexican woman, make sure to put a cushion on your schedule just in case she fulfills the stereotype.

History shapes culture and culture, in turn, shapes people. So to understand a woman in Mexico, you have to understand her country’s culture and to do that, you have to know a little bit about her country’s history as well.

While Mexican women are people and have a wide variety of diverse and sometimes contradictory personality traits. But their culture shapes these traits and these quirks and men who are unfamiliar with the culture, but want to date the women who grew up in it, should be ready for these traits and these quirks.

