4 Simple Tips on How to Impress Mexican Women

Marina Serrano
5 min readMay 7, 2021


Nothing is more attractive than an ethnicity whose positive dating reputation on the internet coincides with their real-life personalities, especially in a day and age when anything can be falsified.

Generally, dating habits and online personas don’t always match the way we perceive them in real life. Surely by now, you know for a fact that things aren’t always the way they seem — even more so in an online environment.

On the other hand, you have the genuineness of a bold and consistent personality that transcends the digital realm: a tantalizing uniqueness none other than that of Mexican women.

They really are something else, and the world accepts that as a fact.

“Latina” refers to Hispanic women from Latin American countries — which can be broad, but it’s important to remember that most Latin countries have similar (if not identical) cultural backgrounds, so there’s not much variation in the preferences and attitudes of these girls.

With that being said, we can assume that dating in Mexico isn’t too different from, let’s say, dating in Ecuador.

Remember that cute Mexican girl that caught your eye at the bar the other night? She knew, on the most intimately profound of levels, that pretty much every single guy in the room (including you) had their eyes on her — or at least took a glance.

Latinas understand this.

They know that their exotic charm sparks the flame of their radiant sexual prowess in a male-dominated society, and to them, it could be a blessing — or a curse.

Aside from their iconic sass and curviness, there’s much more to them than meets the eye. Usually, these women don’t have time for men who can’t see beyond that.

Women in Latin America have this mystical peculiarity about them that men just can’t, for the life of them, seem to resist.

There are many more aspects at play to be considered when it comes to dating Latinas — almost as if it was a form of art. There’s a specific way to win their hearts, but navigation might be tricky if you’ve never taken this path before.

If you’re planning on dating one, you’re going to want to spark her interest, of course.

“But just how do I generate that spark?” you might ask yourself.

It’s quite simple.

If you want to know how to get a Latina to fall in love with you, here’s a few ways to spark that flame of interest in her heart:

Avoid the cheesy pickup lines

Okay, so you want to date a Mexican girl. First things first, try not to fall into a stereotype, like that meme-worthy guy whose pickup lines are basic and borderline-racist. We’re quite certain that’ll turn her off.

Surely she won’t respond well to any illegal immigrant jokes, and she won’t appreciate any drug cartel or nacho cheese jokes either (that is unless you’re a charming comedic genius, but even then, we don’t recommend it).

This trope can be seen in all races.

Toxicity transcends skin color, but knowledge is free: meaning ignorance is curable. So if you see yourself drifting into a stereotype like this, try to snap out of it as soon as possible.

The point is this:

Try to throw some creativity and originality into your approach, because usually, they’ve heard all the generic pickup lines in the book by now.

Be witty and clever — it might just spark up a good conversation with her. You’ll never know until you take the risk.

Understand Hispanic courtship culture.

After a girl’s “quinceañera,” (which is a right of passage for Hispanic girls transitioning from childhood to womanhood) Mexican guys frequently (yet respectfully) engage in courtship and flirting.

Remember that a whole lot of Mexican women have experience with suitors from an early age — so step up your game if you haven’t done so already. This is how compatible matches were made in the past.

It helps to be aware of the Mexican dating culture, especially when it comes to certain practices observed by their fellow countrymen, as it provides context clues as to how these ladies may or may not respond to certain kinds of flirting.

It’s good reference material.

You might learn a thing or two about the value of chivalry in courtship and how it relates to their culture. After all, you don’t need to speak any Latin American language to get the gist of it.

Be mature, level-headed, and open-minded

Women in general are known to mature faster than men, even more so with Mexican women, since many of them begin flirting (or even having kids) at a relatively younger age compared to others — which, ultimately, isn’t a bad thing.

In many cases, it’s a pillar of maturity.

We won’t say that all Latinas are this way, but to an extent, many of them do have some degree of early experience; so don’t mistake them for being naïve.

More often than not, this implies that:

1. When you date a Latina, you’re dealing with a mature woman who might have more life experience than you, so don’t underestimate her capacity to see through people’s gimmicks.

2. She’ll know when you’re being genuine or when you’re just forcing it.

Understand the world’s obsession with Latinas

The fact of the matter is that no matter what you do, a Latina will always be the focal point of someone’s fixation. Her home country will always have suitors, and Western society will always glorify and oversexualize her every step of the way.

Men will always look at her wherever she goes, whether you’re with her or not. Someone’s always going to try to hit on her, whether you like it or not. Someone will always find her attractive, and that’s ultimately unavoidable.

Latinas have the innate capacity to be highly sought-after in any context or situation, and most men have little to no control over the intentions and actions of other men (aside from using aggression, which doesn’t necessarily breed positivity).

And that’s just how it works.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

In other words, we don’t advocate the idea of doing nothing about it — obviously we’d all do something if it were within our capabilities. The trick is to acknowledge this social phenomenon at play, and overcome it.

You don’t want desperate men drooling over the Mexican woman of your dreams, right?

So win her heart before they do.

At least then, people might think twice about getting any bold ideas with her, especially when you’ve already got your arm securely wrapped around her waist.

